After listening to the Holy Ghost! Remixes Volume 1 (Sides A & B) for the duration of last week, I found myself wanting more than the hour and thirteen minute Mixtape had to offer. I began searching for more Holy Ghost! remixes, wanting the constant disco beat, and didn't have to go far before I found my new favorite remix (which was already in my iTunes as part of an A-Trak mixtape). By new, of course I mean to me, as this remix is nearly a year old. Monarchy is an electronic pop-duo from London, England. Their first single, "
Gold In The Fire /
Black, The Colour Of My Heart," was released February of 2010, and they have an EP slated to be released sometime in the coming months of 2011. The remix really brings out the bass and percussive elements of the music, and replaces the original lyrics entirely with Dixon apparently on the pipes, although in the last few days I've been unable to find out who that is exactly, or what song it's from. Either way, this song has a great upbeat disco feel to it, that you might need once the weather drops back into the mid-50s for the rest of this week (in NYC at least).
*Image Courtesy of Universal Music Group
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