Ladies and gentleman, Skrillex, aka Sonny Moore, is at it again. After a wildly successful 2010, having topped many charts and garnered such accollades as Beatport's highest grossing DubStep Track with 'Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites,' Moore drops yet another soon to be smash hit, with this, as of yet unreleased track, rumored to be named 'Equinox.' The track has all the major elements of any other recent Skrillex track, chopped, distorted vocals, layered over a brief, somewhat ominous piano melody, and straight into the deep heavy saw bass that comprises 90% of most of his songs. Compared to some of his earlier tracks, 'Equinox' is more structurally cohesive, sticking more to the pattern of the song, and less like an ADHD adolescent who's forgotten his medication, though there is still plenty of that, don't you worry. Skrillex's electro/dubstep style is one enjoyed by many for its energy and unique style, though like anything new and good he has garnered many haters, dubbing his style 'brostep.' If, as they say, dubstep truly is dead, than then the post mortem is something I can live with. Enjoy.
*Photo courtesy of